These feet belong to my daughters Elizabeth and Emily. I think I am going to have to do another piece to go with it to show Emily's other foot and maybe Matthew's big ol' feet.
I love drawing Victorian buildings. This was done during summer of 2008, and is a house here in Baker City which is now turned into apartments. This is one of my favorite houses to drool over here. Baker City is full of gorgeous houses and buildings from the 1800's and early 1900's. It is a beautiful town with a rich history. I would like to make some kind of tour book of all the old homes of Baker City with my drawings as the pictures. I need to do some research on the homes as well. It is a large undertaking, who knows how long it will be before I accomplish this? It might be a lifelong work, but will be fun. I entered this piece in the 2008 Baker County Fair, and it won First Place, and also Best of Show. Victorian House (until I know the name of the building), 2008, Pen and Ink
--This piece was originally published in 2015 but has been updated for the new blog format. Early 2015, I received an invitation from Crossroads Carnegie Art Center, to come tour the Baker Heritage Museum. I, along with many other artists, went, and found inspiration for art in the artifacts, exhibits, stories, and people dressed and in character, at the museum. Upon entering the museum, one of the first people I met was a woman wrapped in a red feather boa, with a feather fan in her hand. Her real name is Elaine Logsdon, but her character's name was Diamond Lil. I imagined she had been a burlesque dancer in her youth, and now perhaps ran her own saloon and theater. I am sure she could tell some very interesting stories! I knew I had to paint her, and knew her personality would shine through on the canvas. I decided with the other paintings I made for the museum, to be more creative in the composition. Instead of painting the entire object, I chose to crop it in a way that would b...
Hello, and welcome to my blog, where I will document my adventures in art. My name is Amy, I am married and have three kids, Matthew, Elizabeth and Emily. I live in a small town in Eastern Oregon, where I have lived all my life, and I love it here. I am in my mid-30's and on September 3, 2009, I will begin a new adventure, as I go to college for the first time, and I will be working toward a degree in fine art. I am very excited, as I have wanted to go to art school since I was in high school, and now I finally have that opportunity. I have never had any formal training, and know that there is much to learn that I do not even have a clue how to do. I am looking forward to being challenged and stretched. I hope to become a high-quality artist, and have my work hanging in whatever galleries will take me. I would like to try my hand at children's book illustration eventually as well. I would also like to travel the world and paint and draw what I experience. Wouldn't that be a...
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