Sculpting a nude man

This is my project for this week, a semi-realistic male figure. I haven't named him yet, as someone suggested, because after another week or so, he will be recycled back into the clay bucket. It amazes me that I can do this. As I mentioned in the last entry, I did not think I was capable of doing this, yet every week, I find out that YES I CAN! I was wrong! I can sculpt! I am really enjoying this, and thinking that I may want to pursue sculpture further, once this class is over with.
You know, sometimes I like finding out I am wrong.


  1. Excellent start on the figure sculpture, Amy! I am a prophetic sculptor, who discovered that I could sculpt when one of my illustration professors in art school (2005) handed me a lump of Super Sculpey clay and told me to make something out of it. I wept for 2 weeks, as the Lord sculpted through my hands and fingers. While I was working on that first piece, I had a vision of God creating Adam and He showed me His feelings and His thoughts while He was creating him. That was a HUGE wake-up call for me as an artist.

    Recently, I did my first prophetic sculpture session in front of a group of men at my church. The piece is called "The Body of Christ" and it is simply that: the Body of Christ resurrected. Eventually, when it is finished, the entire piece will be made up of tiny little human beings (who are basically us, the members of the Body of Christ) worked into His Body.

    Anyway, just thought I would encourage you to continue in your sculptural quest. It is well worth the time and the effort. Don't get discouraged, and listen to the Lord as you are doing it. Allow His hands, fingers, voice and thoughts to possess you as you are doing your sculptures, and you will be amazed at what Christ in you can do to and with your art.

    In Christ,
    Michael A. McGrath
    Prophetic Sculptor

  2. Michael,
    Thank you for the encouragement! I really need to update my blog---there is so much that has happened and so much growth since this post. I have taken another sculpting class and really want to pursue it more than what I am currently doing. Stay tuned for updates in the next few weeks!


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