In the Spotlight: Sherri Kay Linnemeyer

I first met Sherri in the weeks before opening my gallery. Opening my own gallery was a big, scary, yet thrilling step for me, and I didn't even know if any artists would support my endeavor, but Sherri was one of the first artists to bring her work, at the encouragement of artist Becky Litke. Throughout the next two years, Sherri and her beautiful watercolors and etchings helped make The Dancing Elephant Gallery successful. I have come to know and appreciate Sherri and her beautiful artwork, and now you can get a little glimpse into her life and art, too.

AV: Please tell us a little about yourself, and what kind of art you create.
SL: My name is Sherri Kay Linnemeyer, I am 55 years old, and live in Baker City, Oregon. I have fallen in love with watercolors and can see myself continuing to grow and learn with this media. I am inspired by wild flowers, animals, birds and other wildlife. I have experimented with acrylics, print making with etchings, lithographs, silk screening, colored pencils, photo collages, paper mache, and wood carving.

AV: What is your favorite piece of work that you have created? 
SL:“A Mother’s Love,” a watercolor of a buffalo calf and cow in front of Bear Butte. It is based on experiences I have had in the Black Hills of South Dakota where I was born.
A Mother's Love

AV: What are you working on at the moment?
SL: Several commissions of owls and another of a white buffalo. I am also going to paint 2 more chickens or roosters to finish a 8 image collection for multi-packs of greeting cards. Also a series of wildflowers from hikes in Hells Canyon.

AV: What are your goals for the future, both artistically, and with life in general?
SL: There are many new surfaces that are being developed for watercolors. I plan to experiment with a watercolor canvas which would eliminate framing. I plan to start having shows in galleries outside of Baker City. I have a joint show with Becky Litke at Crossroads Art Center September 2016. I plan to climb Eagle Cap mountain this summer.

AV: What do you do when you are not creating?
SL: I am a dental hygienist. It is a career that I really enjoy. When I am not working, I love hiking, photography, gardening, alpine and cross country skiing, reading, and listening to audio books.
Sing Your Heart Out

AV: What would people be surprised to learn about you?
SL: That I was a performing belly dancer for 11 years.

AV:  Do you have any favorite blogs, facebook pages, etc?
SL: I like that I am Facebook friends with many local artists and get inspired by the creations they share. Judy Knox (Facebook) is a wonderful photographer who lets me use her photos for inspiration.

AV: Name three pieces of art, not your own, which speak to you, and why:
Vincent van Gogh’s: “Irises” I like the colors and textures.
Andrew Wyeth’s “Christina’s World” Beautiful and lonely at the same time.
Georgia O’Keeffe”s “Rust Red Hills” The soft lines and the rich colors.
Summer's Pair

AV: Where do you sell your work?
SL: Cabin Cowboy Design, Crossroads, Short Term Gallery, on the walls of my operatory at Mountain Valley Dental and off my Facebook page.

AV: Where else can we find you? (blog, social media, website, etc)
SL: I post my artwork on the Public setting on my Facebook page under “Sherri Kay Linnemeyer”. I was going to maintain a separate website, but Facebook is keeping me busy enough.
King of All He Surveys

AV: What should we know about you and your work?
SL: I need to keep my life in balance, so that my artwork does not become a source of stress to avoid getting burnt out. I am willing to do commissions, but will turn down the request or refer them to another artist if I think I would not be happy making the piece.

AV: Do you have any tips or advice for other artists?
SL: If you want other people to see your art, you have to get over being shy and start entering contests, selling at art shows, and trying to get into galleries. You can learn a lot on your own through experimentation, watching You Tube videos, and from art books. But taking classes and getting critiqued on a regular basis will help you grow even faster. Other people may love a piece even if you hate it (just don’t let them know it.) Also, keep your temper and your promises.
Bath Time

AV:Who are your favorite artists?
SL: Claude Monet, Winslow Hormer, Georgia O’Keeffe, George Keister, Vincent Van Gogh, Nancy Coffelt, Ruth Foudray, Becky Litke, and Amy VanGaasbeck. This list is not complete.

AV: What are some of your non-art favorite things?
SL: The turquoise blue of glacier ice. Mountain goats. The changes of all 4 seasons. High quality dark chocolate. The movie “The Jerk” with Steve Martin. Books by Robin Hobb and other fantasy writers, and music by Loreena McKennitt..

AV: Do you have any formal education, college, classes from an artist, or are you self taught?
SL: Two years at a South Dakota State University, classes at Crossroads with Becky Litke, and talking with other artists.

AV: Do you have any obstacles you have overcome in your journey?
SL: I was a self-employed artist from 1984 to 1995. I got very burnt out and went back to school for a different career. I didn’t make art until I moved to Baker City in 2003. This community has been so supportive, it doesn’t feel like work.


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