Morning Sunbeam

 Morning Sunbeam was an assignment for the advanced still life class I took at Academy of Art University. I was to choose an area in my home and make a composition out of it. This was a challenge for me, a mental and emotional challenge, because although I crave order in my life, my house does not reflect that. My house is often messy and disorganized. But this one area, I was able to find a good composition, and to me it speaks of peace even when there is chaos. You can't see the chaos in this picture, but it's in the room. The focus is on the stillness, the bright sunlight peeking through a window you can't see, slowly creeping over the wall, reflecting in the glass shade of the table lamp. It's a moment of stillness, whispering in your ear to take just a minute and...breathe...appreciate what is in front of you.

This is available on by website and through my etsy store:


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