Blonde Bubblecut

I am celebrating a big achievement in my life, that of graduating from Academy of Art University with a degree in fine art! It has been a long journey for me and I am proud of my accomplishment. The actual graduation ceremony will be late spring in SanFrancisco, California, and I am hoping to have enough money saved to participate.

This is a miniature painting I just finished in celebration, "Blonde Bubblecut". It measures only 5x7" and is painted in oil on a canvas board. It is signed on the front and signed and dated on the back.

Barbie has always been a major part of my life. I remember receiving my first brand new Barbie, "Beauty Secrets Barbie" for Christmas when I was about 4 years old, but she wasn't my first Barbie. I had my older sisters' hand me downs, which included many Barbies, Kens, Skippers, and even Allan, and I played with them all the time, along with Ideal's Tammy Family. Good memories for me, I kept all of my childhood dolls, and became an educated collector at an early age, keeping my new dolls in their boxes, and picking up older ones at yard sales and thrift shops.
This particular Barbie is one in my collection. The original model for this doll has titian red hair, and I have done a large painting of her with her original hair color, but I also wanted to experiment with changing her hair---a good exercise in improvisation. I am happy with how she turned out.


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