The Leather Elephant

Leather Elephant, oil, 2014

I have been excitedly preparing for February's First Friday festivities. I will have new art in at Short Term Gallery and Cabin Cowboy Designs, but I will also be one of two Featured Artists in the show "Visions and Visages", at Crossroads Carnegie Art Center. The show will be a mixture of portraits, figures, and still lifes paintings. This is my first time as featured artist outside of my own gallery, The Dancing Elephant. This painting, Leather Elephant, will be one of the paintings on display at Crossroads.

I found this leather elephant, and its mate, at an antique shop in Sumpter, Oregon. They were so unique and interesting, I just couldn't pass them up. I am not an elephant collector, not really, but my sister Cathy was. Cathy was older than me by nine years, and she collected elephants from the time she was little. She passed away a few years ago from Ewing's Sarcoma, a very rare cancer with no hope at this point for full remission. So every time I see an elephant, I think of Cathy. When you see elephants in my art, they are there as a memorial to my wonderful middle sister.

If you are in Baker City during the first Friday of February, 2015, or any time during the month of February, make sure you go by Crossroads Carnegie art center to see the show. You won't want to miss it!


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