Blaecleah and Janelle

This was a commissioned portrait in pencil that I did for a friend of mine, Monte Loyd, who had it made for his wife Janelle for Christmas 2007. It is based upon a photo of Janelle and their daughter, Blaecleah. I was very pleased with the way it turned out.


  1. This is cute. I've always thought Blaec's and Monte's eyes looked alike...isn't that neat how God picks just the right kid for the right family? I was looking at pictures of Christana the other day and there's some b&w's where she looks so much like Danae :) Ok, I guess that's all a little off topic for your blog...but anyway, nice job! :)

  2. As I was reading your post, I thought about how much Christana and Jerry look alike!


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