Storm Warning

A few months back I had a dream. In it, my two daughters and I were in a church. I looked out one window and saw a tornado approaching but it was still quite a way off. I looked out another window and a tornado was just right there. I got my girls and we hid under a pew and I told them to pray, everyone in the church was hiding and praying. The tornado blew wind through the windows and doors, and blew stuff around, papers were flying everywhere and it made a mess, but no real harm was done. After the wind stopped blowing, I took my girls and got in the car, and I looked back at the church, and I saw storm clouds directly above the church. They were very dark and menacing, and in the clouds there was a dark cloudlike form that looked like a castle or kingdom. From the bottom of the cloud there formed funnel clouds, all pointed toward and hovering over the church. They looked like they were just waiting there, they were not touching the church and I got the feeling that they could NOT touch it, either because people were praying inside or simply because God would not allow it.
I don't have all the answers as to what this dream may mean, but when looking at the dark kingdom, I heard the word "counterfeit". I took this to mean that like in Revelation, the New Jerusalem descends from Heaven, Satan has a counterfeit kingdom that he will try to set up, possibly upon the church or to destroy the church. He will not be able to destroy the true church, however as the prayers of the saints and God's protection will cause it to survive. He may be able to blow things around inside, but as long as the church remains in prayer, calling out to God, he cannot touch it and no obliteration will come.
This dream really made an impression in my mind, and I felt like it should be the next thing that I paint, so that is what I did . This is one evening's work.
Storm Warning, oil, 11"x14" canvas board


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